Youtubers are already more loved by young people than Hollywood or Pop stars.

According to a survey of Variety (@variety) fame and recognition of the youtubers-characters who create and manage from scratch their own thematic video channel – beat in youth segments («teen») pop singers and Hollywood stars.

New figures such as The Smosh, The Fine Bros, or PewDiePIe that are «perfectly well unknown» for any adult, exceed in score Jennifer Lawrence, Katy Perry, Vin Diesel or the very Johny Depp and Leonardo diCaprio.
Teenagers know and value more these personalities grown from personal efforts than those «created» by multi-billion dollar industries. New online stars are those who manage their own resources and now move ahead in popularity.
Fame based on authenticity and your own work is always good news.
When the MTV began emissions that changed the history of music it started with «Video killed the radio star«. Thus, they sought to demonstrate that a new form of entertainment was born. Now we can say that «Youtube video killed the studio stars «.
These are the data from the survey in Variety:

variety youtubers