According to Marca and several other media other media, well known soccer coach Pep Guardiola dedicated part of a sabbatical from Barça F.C. in 2012 to study leadership.  Among other studies in the United States, Guardiola accompanied Obama’s entourage for three weeks  during the re-election campaign of 2012.  He concentrated on the organization of events, his oratory and non verbal skills.

Guardiola studied the campaign itinerary of the then-candidate for re-election to the White House, packed his bags and accompanied Obama’s entourage for three weeks. He wanted to be near one of the most charismatic politicians of the past decade. He was interested in the way he staged his events, his oratory and capacity to seduce a crowd, as well as his words and gestures.

Now the manager of Bayern Munich, Guardiola lived passionately through those three weeks in which he was never far away from Obama’s electoral retinue. He also used his time in America to observe the NBA, where the matches and the general approach provided him with important lessons in coaching, which he is now applying at Bayern, for Pep never stops learning.

Guardiola studied the campaign itinerary of the then-candidate for re-election to the White House, packed his bags and accompanied Obama’s entourage for three weeks. He wanted to be near one of the most charismatic politicians of the past decade. He was interested in the way he staged his events, his oratory and capacity to seduce a crowd, as well as his words and gestures.

Now the manager of Bayern Munich, Guardiola lived passionately through those three weeks in which he was never far away from Obama’s electoral retinue. He also used his time in America to observe the NBA, where the matches and the general approach provided him with important lessons in coaching, which he is now applying at Bayern, for Pep never stops learning.

Eloquence as a tool to take back as new coach of Bayern Munich, and now denounced as a «secret» weapon by arch-enemy Real Madrid followers.

This critics seem to forget that such a weapon is available for anybody. You just need to take the time as Guardiola did while at the top of his own sports and coaching career.

¿Are you taking your own time to learn this key skill?




lengua de guardiola


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Víctor Sánchez del Real
Creador de Elocuent. Llevo décadas ayudando en comunicación y marca a personas, emprendedores y PYMES (a las grandes cojo el teléfono solo si son simpáticas). Durante dos legislaturas fui Diputado en el Congreso. Si quieres convertirte en un gran comunicador navega ahora mismo por Elocuent o escucha nuestro podcast. Comunicador(Prensa, Radio y TV), profesional de la Publicidad y 20 años en Consultoría de Comunicación y Reputación, fundando y liderando el que ha sido uno de los mayores grupos españoles(ImageGroup). Me han escuchado (a veces hasta hecho caso) grandes marcas y directivos - Nokia, Motorola, Telefónica, Cisco, Warner, ICEX,Diageo, BBVA, L'Oreal, BlackBerry, Imaginarium, Ferrari, Acciona,... - también políticos, emprendedores, empresarios y personalidades públicas. A todos les conoces, en parte por mi culpa. Si no les conoces, también es culpa mía. Experiencia en escuelas de negocio -IESE, ICADE, IE, ENME,Escuela Europea de Negocios,Master Real Madrid, IIR, ADEN... - Universidades como IE University, Complutense.